Friday, April 25, 2008

A Quick Prayer Request and A Verse of Poetry

Hey guys, I just wanted to ask for prayer for myself today. I'll be leaving in just a few minutes to go compete in the ACSI Math Olympics for the last time. I'm kinda nervous, but excited, too. Just pray that I do well and that God will hold me up while I'm there.

I'd like to leave you with this little verse that I thought up yesterday.

Song of Life

Arise, arise, arise
Come back, come back, to Adonai
Forge ahead, back to life
Cast off the shadow, return to light.

There you have it!
Thanks for your prayers and comments...
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hello, friends!
I am truly sorry for not posting for so long...firstly, I have no Internet access on weekends. Then we had three days of standardized testing at school...leaving me once again deprived of Internet access. =(
Then came another weekend, and then when I wanted to post yesterday, I didn't know what to post about!
However, I'm back today with some awesome Scripture for you! Check this out...

Psalm 111: 1-10 (you can all tell I really like Psalms, can't you...)

(1) Praise the Lord!
I will extol the Lord with all my heart in the council of the upright and in the assembly.
(2) Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by those who delight in them.
(3) Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever.
(4) He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate.
(5) He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever.
(6) He has shown His people the power of His works, giving them the lands of other nations.
(7) The works of His hands are faithful and just; all His precepts are trustworthy.
(8) They are steadfast for ever and ever, done in faithfulness and uprightness.
(9) He provided redemption for His people; He ordained His covenant forever--holy and awesome is His name.
(10) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To Him belongs eternal praise.

God is pretty awesome, isn't He?
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Okay, so I've been on a bit of a poetry kick for the past few days...I just wrote a poem for my other book(the one I'm almost done with) last night, and I thought I'd post it now. I'll post the other form of "Oh Rise up and Come" eventually...

The Wanderer's Plea

Oh, wary is the way
I walk this day
Oh, guard my steps
That my life may not end

Oh, while in dark I walk
Keep my sword sharp
Oh, while I run
Your will always be done

When enemies assail
May I prevail
Though I am weak
Your strength, it is complete

My King, make me stronger
As I wander
So that I might
Ever uphold Your light

Like it? Pray, tell!
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie

Friday, April 4, 2008

Oh Rise up and Come

Since everyone seemed to like my last poem, I shall post the other two.
Let me explain that they are nearly the same, sort of one poem in two forms, and I'd like you all to tell me which form you like best. I'm only going to post one of them today, though.
This one, I think, is my favorite...

Oh Rise up and Come

Oh, the times are dark
In our suffering hearts

Worn, weary are we
From press of tyranny

Remnant of the day
That death-sting had its way

Look on that day in sorrow

Oh, rise up and come
Though I know you are numb

We must try again
Though Iverna will rend

For if we succeed,
We at last shall be free

And break the ever-dark tomorrow

Well, there you have it. You'll have to excuse the repetition of the phrase "ever-dark tomorrow"---it is a sort of trademark for Aidelahd. This poem/song/thing is a call for the Draedenai of all seven Kingdoms to gather together and try once more to overthrow the Dictator.
I'll post the other form tomorrow.
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Poetry and Explanations...

Hello, all!
Before I post this poem, allow me to introduce you all to Aidelahd. He is a newer character of mine, a minstrel as a matter of fact. I did not plan him at all, he just showed up and started singing to me. Turns out he will play a very important role. In the book, Aidelahd is the author of this poem, which is called The Uprising.
Now, I must define a few things, or you might be confused a bit...
The Uprising- the period of time in Iverna when fifteen warriors, led by one called Veltorin, rallied men to them and rebelled against the King and Queen. There was desolation for months, and in the end, Veltoring overthrew the King and Queen and took the throne.
Iverna- my otherworld...the one Remedy gets pulled to(pronounced ee-Vair-nah)
Veltorin- leader of the rebellion, Dictator of Iverna
Adonai- my God-figure
Draedenai- the fighting men and women of Iverna(pronounced DRAY-den-eye)

Alright, then, I guess I'll shut up and post the poem now...haha!

The Uprising

Iverna once walked in Adonai's will
The King and the Queen His trusted friends
Draedenai pledged that for good or for ill
They would fight for Him to ev'ry end

But alas! Darkness stirred in hearts of men
They sought to bring about faith's demise
Fifteen warriors rallied men to them
And they rebelled against Adonai

Month after month, the blood flowed unhindered
The armies clashed, and during that time
Rebellion's leader trained elite killers
To make the Royal famly die

All through the Kingdoms cruel darkness was spread
And pain of death, our Draedenai took
Until Veltorin's opposition was dead
And bright of hope, Iverna forsook

The King and Queen were murdered in despair
When the ruthless killers were released
They left our Kingdoms lacking rightful heir
The Traitor's plan, it was now appeased

Years later, we still look back in sorrow
At Veltorin's heartless devising
And think of our ever-dark tomorrow
That began during the Uprising

Well, now that I've sufficiently bored you with an Iverna history lesson, please tell me what you think. I have two more, if you'd like to see them?

Write On!!!
Shelby Marie

Saturday, March 29, 2008

One More Thought

Alright, I know I'm posting twice in one day, but I didn't get to post on Easter. I saw this little skit thing at church that went to that "Arise, My Love" song, and I just really like the chorus, so I shall put it on here for all to see!

Arise, my love
Arise, my love
The grave no longer has a hold on You
No more death-sting
No more suffering

Think of it as the Father speaking to His Son... that is the way the song was written, I believe.
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie
Hey guys,
Just a quick post to say hi to everyone and update y'all about my writing. I'm in the library right now and couldn't resist the chance to check on everyone.
Spring break has been lovely, and I wrote alot. A whole lot. In fact, I stayed up until two in the morning the other night furiously rewriting the middle of my latest chapter. It turned out really well in the end though. However, the morning after that, yesterday morning, my dog, Rogue, had a seizure. It was really scary, but he is alright now. Please pray he doesn't have any more.
Anyway, I'm off to check the YCF blogs now!
See you all on Monday!
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie